Friday 16 December 2011

Draft Text

Front cover
Masthead – Mainstream Music
Cover line 1 – X factor contestant to be a likely Hip-Hop Artist
Cover line 2 – Win tickets to go to a Concert of your Choice.
Cover line 3 – See the pictures from the biggest concerts
Cover line 4 –  Find out the latest gossip between the artist.
Headline – New Upcoming R’n’B artist topping the global

Contents Page
Contents story 1 – Look at the charts, R’n’B and Hip hop charts page. See who song have been getting popular.
Contents story 2 – Double page spread interview with Nephew’s Noise
Contents story 3 – Top artist’s to join together to make big selling single for Charity

Double page spread
Headline –  New Hip hop and R’n’B has topped both charts with new singles

Pull quote – ‘It’s  quite shock how so many people like my music and they took an instant attraction to it’

Text –   We had an interview with Nephews Noise right before his concert in London at the Wembley arena. This is exactly one year since his album came out with a cross between hip hop and R’n’B which has topped both charts.  At mainstream Magazine we were delighted to have an interview with him. Here’s his answers to our questions.

Q. Hello Nephew’s Noise, how busy has the last year been with the new album coming out?

A.  It’s been extremely busy, it was a slow start because not many people had heard of me but once people started buying the album and hearing some of tracks on the radio and internet I just became more and more popular. It was amazing how fast the news got around.

Q. With so many people knowing who you are now, do you have any plans to start touring nationally and maybe internationally?

A. The tour that’s being planned is going through all the main cities around the Uk and there’s over 50 venues. Half of the tickets have already been sold for most of the venues but there’s still plenty more left and there’s plenty more time for my fans to start buying these tickets. The tours start in the summer of next year and last until the winter. There are no plans for international tours yet but there’s still the possibility of it happening in the future if I grow a wider global fan base.

Q. Are you amazed how many people like your music and how popular it has become all of sudden?

A. yes, It’s  quite shocking how so many people like my music and they took an instant attraction to it. I was surprised when I started selling albums so fast but the best bit was how high up the charts I was getting. For someone who just broke into the music business it’s been an amazing time. Time has flown by, it was only a year and a half ago when I was doing a normal job every day of the week and was listening to some of my idols in the music industry and now I’ve got songs which are selling.

Q. Why do you think your songs have become an instant success with the general public?

A. I’m not sure really, When I wrote them they were just songs from things that have happened in my life or what I want to happen in the future.  I think the way it’s sung and the music is a big factor why people like it. Its unique and different which I think makes it so popular. I didn’t want to follow other artists and create something the same that’s already in the market, I wanted to be unique and create my own style, this is the reason why it’s a cross between hip hop and R’n’B.

Q. Where did the name Nephew Noise come from?

A. Well when I was younger I had many nephews who were always making noise and being loud and all I wanted to do was listen to my music. So that’s when the name originates from. Quite simple really.

Q. What inspired you to chase your dream and become an artist?

A. It’s always been a dream of mine and I used to listen to R’n’B and hip hop when I was younger but there was not much music about like this about. My family supported me a lot when I went through the process of submitting my unique style of music to record producers but the perseverance paid off and I signed a record deal.

Thanks for the interview Nephews Noise, good luck with the tour.

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