Friday 16 December 2011

Analysing magazine - Hip Hop Connection

 Typography – a Sans serif font is used and is big and bold to stand out. The font is plain and stands out. It suggests that its straight to the point. The effect the font is supposed to have is that it appeals to the reader and catches the audiences eye. These fonts are chosen because it stands out and is appealing

Layout – the layout is ordered with the masthead going across the top of the page and the cover lines on the right side of the page. The layout follows the route of the eye as it goes through the masthead the main image and then the cover lines on the right side. There Is more images to text but this work well as the picture is the main story on the page so it is quite widespread so this balances the images to text.

Colour – the main colors on the magazine is yellow, black and white. The black connotes evil, authority and power. Yellow connotes happiness so the black and yellow are contrasting colors. The bright yellow on the black background makes the colour stand out. These colors have been chosen because this makes the text stand out and appeal to the audience.

Images -  An eye level medium close up shot is used as the central image. The shot type used  gives the feel that the character is looking straight at the audience. This can attract the audience to the magazine with the main character looking right at you. The costume  with the hat and the ring  signify that he is  a hip hop star. This is a stereotypical look for this gene of music.

Mode of address –the magazine speaks to the audience by the bold colored typography attracting the audience and the central image with the costumes and props used appeal to the audience. An informal language is used on the front cover of the magazine.

Typography – a Sans serif font is used. This is a bold and plain. This connotes that its straight to the point. The white text stands out on the orange background. In white bold font it tells you the tittle of the page and below it in a smaller not bold font it has a small paragraph telling the reader what the article is about. Along with the tittle it has the page number in black. The bold white tittle of the page is supposed to attract the reader to see this and read it and once it has captured their attention is has the easier to read small paragraph beneath it.

Layout –  the layout is well ordered with the image being the main background of the contents page. The actual contents of the magazine are in a Colum format ion the right side of the page. The image is to do with an article inside the magazine and has the small paragraph. The ell order layout has the effect that it is a tidy page. The contents page does not look messy. The layout does not follow the route of the ye or the rule of thirds.

Colour – Black, white and orange are the main colors used on this page.  Orange connotes passion and energy and white connotes purity. These colors have been chosen because they are bright and happy colors, they brighten up the page. these colour have also been chosen due to the white text which stand out in the orange background.

Images – An eye level medium lose shot is used. The character is looking straight at the reader. The image is the main focus of the page. the effect of the shot type gives the feel that he is looking straight out at the magazine  towards the reader. The costume is mainly arranged which goes with the background and that is why the white font is used to make the white text out.

Mode of address - the magazine speaks to the audience with the bold writing to stand out to the reader along with the bright orange costume and background which also attracts to the reader. The language used is informal.

 Typography – font style are used is a bit more informal than sans serif font.  This font has an informal tittle to it. This gives the suggestion of the informal music this character makes so it goes well with his genre of music. The font has the effect on the audience of showing the character style. In the text a normal sans serif font is used for the interview text.

Layout – the layout it orders as it has a tittle at the top and a byline before the article starts. There’s a pull quote in the middle of a magazine and u8se the red to make it stand out.  The ordered layout makes it easy for the audience to read it and navigate the page. This does  not follow the route of the eye or the rule of third’s. There is a balanced amount of text to images because of the picture on the right page and the text on the left page.

Colour – Red white and black are the main colors are used in this. White being the main background colour in this. Black is used as the font as this stands out off the white background. The red is used to highlight certain words that the magazine wants to stand out to the audience. These colors have been chosen purely to grab the reader’s attention.

Images – a long shot has been used for the image on the right page.  the effect of this shot is to show he has a relaxed approach and that he is laid back.  The costume of the plain white shirt, baggy trousers and bulky shoes give the idea of a typical rapper.

Mode of address – the magazine speaks to the audience by the informally style title and the picture on the right hand side of the page. The red righting for the question also stand out to the audience. Informal language is used.

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