Monday 28 November 2011

Analysing Magazines - XXL Magazine

 Typography – the masthead has a red background and bold white capitals. This masthead stands out to the audience grabbing their attention.  The white font stands out. A sans serif font is used as this gives a formal look to the magazine. The bold font connotes the Dr.Dre is a big name is music and this is shown the big bold font. The white is used to stand out the parts of the black jacket. On parts of the white background bold black sans serif font and colour is used. All these are used to stand out to get the reader attention.

Layout – the layout is ordered as masthead is at the top and with the central image being the main point of the magazine. The copy story is about Dr.Dre and the caption is underneath the headline. The layout is in an ordered manner. The magazine goes with the route of the eye showing the headline then the main image and around the cover lines. There is sufficient amount of texts to image as there is there headline, a cover line and sell lines.

Language – the language use is formal. Not much writing so there’s not much to take in. language use is includes sell lines and buzz words like ‘exclusive interview’ this makes people want to read the magazine as they could be interested in the artist.

Colour – the colour scheme used is black red and white. White is used to make the font stand out. Black is in the picture so it goes well with the chess pieces and the black clothing.  These colours connote quite a modern look with white and black used.  These colours have been chosen to stand out and that it looks modern.

Images – the shot type used is a medium close up with a medium angle. These shot types are used to look right out of the magazine straight towards the audience as this attracts attention. This is used to show the face and the clothes with he wears along with the chessboard.  The Mise-en-scene a white background is used, to make the black shirt and jacket stand out along with the black and white of the chess board and pieces. The white is used to make the black stand out.  The image signifies that he is back on the board ready for the game as the headline goes with the picture. The mise – en –scene is used to make the Dr.Dre and the writing stand out.

Mode of address - the magazine speaks to the audience by the bold writing making it stand out. Along with the white black colour scheming signifying a modern looks and a bit of a mysterious feel for the audience.

 Typography – the font style used is relaxed and is to to formal looking. It is a relaxed font style for easy reading. It’s a bold black for the title. Black is main colour used for the writing on this page. The black and white goes with the house style of the magazine keeping a unique modern house style. The black writing signifies that the articles are straight to the point. The font style and colour was chosen because it is supposed to make it easy to read for the audience and make the tittles of these pages stand out. It gives the page a relaxed style.

 Layout – the layout is well ordered with the copy story, main article of the magazine, on the center of the page and then other story’s around this image on the right and below this. Pictures along with a caption give the effect to the reader a key idea of what the story is about and to encourage them to read. The layout goes well with then the rule of thirds with stories on the main points where the lines would cross.  A lot of images are used for readers, so that it does have a relaxed approach and not much reading to do but the writing on captions gives a sufficient amount of information needed to gain enough knowledge so this gives a good ratio of image to text.

Colour – the main colours used is black and white and this is a good modern color scheme and this keeps a consistent house style for the magazine. The colour black connotes power and authority being quite a strong colour and standing out. The white is used as it is quite a neutral colour and makes other colours stand out. These colours have been chosen because of the way white makes the black stand out to the reader so having black text on white back ground catches the reader’s eye.

Images - on the main image a medium shot is used in eye level angle this gives the effect of the character looking straight at the reader. On other shots in the bottom left corner a low angle long shot is used as this gives the effect he is big and makes him look powerful and in authoritive  position. The mise –en – scene used in this with the baseball stadium surrounding shows the audience that he is a baseball player along with the prop of a baseball bat which he is leaning on. Also the sporty clothes prove this.  The top right picture has a low angle long shot looking at rappers while dancing therefore the mise en scene is used in this picture with the red and blue lights in the background and the setting of them in stage shows that they are preforming along with microphone suggest to the audience this is a rapper. The props, costumes and location are all to give a atmosphere to the picture and really get the reader’s attention into it so they understand it.
These props, costumes, location and lighting are all used to signify to the audience that they play sports or are a wrapper.  These all give the information to the audience of what they are doing so they gain information from it.

Mode of address – the magazine speaks to the audience by having this relaxed look to it. It is quite informal language to it for example at the bottom ‘Doin’ lines’. This is quite informal but this attract the audience that XXL want to read there magazine.

Typography – A sans serif font style is used but is been formatted in a way so it looks more informal in a ‘gangsta’ style to it attracts to these type of people. The font colour for the lead line is different to the rest of the paragraph as this is to grab people attention. The connotations of the font suggest that is a story that grabs the attention of people who are interested in the rapper and like the informal approach to the story. The informal style of the font is supposed to appeal people to this story. This font style was chosen because it goes with the rappers styles as rappers lyrics have informal language in them so they have chosen a relaxed casual font to go with this. So the text font and story go together

Layout – the layout is seems cluttered as the picture takes up the whole of the right side page and a third of the left page and then the text is all crammed in on the left side making it look untidy. The picture grabs the people’s attention. The layout does not really follow the route of the eye or rule of thirds. The amount of text to picture is good for a double page spread but the spread would look better if the text was spread around the page and around the picture.

Colour – the normal house style is used of the black and white text, the picture does not go with the house style  as does not link well with the text. The bold black quote stands out to the audience. The black connotes power and this could be why the quote is in bold to make it look darker giving it a more powerful meaning. The white is used a neutral colour again the same as the contents page to make the black stand out.

Images – the shot type used is a medium shot with an eye level angle. Just look straight out of the magazine into the readers eyes. This shot types gives the effect that the rapper is looking straight at the reader and as this is good picture for the article as it is an interview it gives the fell to reader that the is there when you read. It goes well with the interview text.  The mise – en – scene of the picture is very good a he is a rapper he has designer trainers, baggy jeans and loose shirt along with the hat and chains to sell the idea that he is a rapper and this signifies the stereotypical look for a rapper. The rapper is captured in a very relaxed everyday position look casual and combatable. So this entices the reader and welcomes the audience when reading the story. The setting look like just a local park and makes him look normal every day person not doing anything different to another person.

Mode of address – the main  picture is supposed to much of the talking for the magazine speaking to the audience as the picture portrays him as relaxed this is relaxing the audience and appealing the audience to read. The bold quote at the bottom of the page is also a key convention in to appealing to the audience as the quote can be a factor that makes the audience read the article as the point they make in the quote can be shocking to a reader making them want to read on.  The language used is very informal. The fonts and colours have the impression of making a bold statement to the audience trying to put his opinion across and wanting to be heard.

1 comment:

  1. Research into Similar Products: E

    You have completed a sound analysis of one music magazine. You now need to complete the analysis of two more front covers, contents pages, and double page spreads from music magazines similar to the one you intend to produce. Try to ensure you use specific examples from the magazine pages to support each point you make in the analysis. You need to ensure you meet all future deadlines.
