Friday 20 January 2012

Focus Group Questionnaire

Focus group questionnaire

I have done a general questionnaire, which I have gained relevant information about my genre and target audience. But I would like to find out more the about the target audience by interviewing a fewer amount of people but more in depth question as this will give me better results, this will also help me find out about the customer needs.

1.      Which font style would look best as a masthead in your opinion? Also put why you choose this.
Font style

Font style
·         Stand out
·         bold

Font style
·        Looks stylish than and would stand out well.
·        Looks more appealing and stylish on the tittle of a magazine.
·        Other font tstyles are quite bold and can stand to much so this fits.

2.      Which color scheme would look the best in a hip hop/R’n’B magazine? Also put why you choose this.

·         1 bold color in it which would have a good boldness to the magazine
·         2 brighter but not all bright colors which gives a good style.
·         4 is colorful and represents the  genre
·         2 Genre of the magazine needs a bold colour to make it attractive.
·         2 various shade of colour which would give a good layout to magazine.

3.      On a magazine front cover how do you like the layout to look? E.g  More pictures than text or main picture and surrounded by cover lines.

·         Main picture and couple of cover line
·         Main picture and couple of cover line
·         Main picture and couple of cover line
·         Main pictures and couple of cover line
·         Main pictures and couple of cover line

4.      What do you think needs improving on this draft front cover?

·         Less cover lines and take a quote from main article and place instead on headline.
·         Better ordered by less cover lines
·         Neat, doesn’t need much improvements and works for rule of thirds and route of the eye
·         Headline above the central image. One less cover lines
·         Background or the text needs to be brighter.

5.      What other things in a magazine would attract you to buy it?

·         Competitions.
·         Free stuff.
·         Good Content
·         Competitions. Good content. Free stuff. Interviews. true story of band.
·         Good content.  competitions

Summary of Initial Questionnaire

From the initial questionnaire I found put information from my target audience and researched them so I know what to put into my magazine.

One of the questions shows the majority of the people questioned prefer to have interviews in a magazine but this was nearly just as popular as pictures, news and blogs and up and coming bands. So this would be some of the things I’ll have to have in mind when I create the magazine. In one way or another I will try and incorporate some if these as this gives the target audience what they wants.

Most people preferred the black and white colour scheme that is kind of basic but I can add another colour to that so it takes in the targets audiences interests and I can still make it appealing.

Just over half the people preferred an informal magazine which there was still a few who waned the formal looking magazine, this means in my magazine I have to have a mix of formal and informal so there is a balance so each half get what they want form the magazine.

Most of the people questioned on what magazine have they recently purchased and the majority of said Vibe and 2ND was kerrang.  This shows these magazine are some of the most popular so I could follow some of these techniques and ways they promote there magazine. By using some of these techniques these magazine use and what I’ve got from the research this  would in creating a successful magazine.

More people said the magazine should be between £3 to £4.99 and the rest of the audience said from £1 to £2.99. so the magazine should roughly be between £2 to £4 as I think this would be a fair price and would be happy for the target audience.

The question of how often do you buy a music magazine the majority of the surveyed audience sad a monthly magazine which is good as in the music industry it would be hard to write a high quality magazine for a week of news and to distribute it.